Thursday, 10 June 2010

6 basic telemarketing rules

By following these 6 basic telemarketing rules you will dramatically improve the number of meetings you create, the quality of the sales meetings you arrange and increase the revenue generated as a result of your work. The job will also become easier and less stressful.

1. Know your market, know who to target.

It is vital to start by clearly identifying those companies who you wish to do business with and have an incumbent need for your service. This can form a blueprint for your target market which includes verticals, size and other more specific criteria.

Once established this specification can be used to purchase or research all the companies that fit your description. As with every form of marketing, each company that is not present within your target market will be a potential opportunity lost. Whilst those companies that do not fit your target prospect profile will detract from the efficiency of the telemarketing campaign.

The difference between a well defined target market and not, can be as much as a 240% increase in telemarketing results..

2. Clean the data.

Once you have established which companies you wish to target, turn your attention to who you wish to arrange sales meetings with. Call each company and ensure that you have the correct names for the positions / responsibilities of those that you wish to speak with. This can dramatically effect the very first impression you make when you call, while also ensuring that you engage with the right person in the sales process. Our research clearly indicates that by initially not setting the meeting with a key decision maker you can reduce the chances of making a sale to as low as 10% of what it would have been, if the initial meeting was with a director or true decision maker.

3. Create a data base.

Having clearly understood who you are going to target, then store this information in a database or CRM. This allows you to accurately record every call and to report upon your objectives. A well maintained CRM will tell you:

• Who the call was made too
• What was the outcome of the call
• Did you speak to your intended target
• What was discussed
• Where follow up actions were agreed
• What call backs and further actions are needed to be completed each day

It is not possible to remember every contact, every call and what is needed to be done on what day while telemarketing. A good CRM will do all that for you and ensure that opportunities are not missed. It can also provide invaluable information about the effectiveness of the campaign.

4. Set realistic targets.

Look at setting targets for a campaign that are realistic and attainable. Focusing upon less important KPI’s and setting unrealistic targets is highly demotivating for those making the sales calls, especially when these targets are linked to their pay packet. Keep telemarketers motivated and do not burn them out by placing insurmountable targets on them that are just not possible. Focus on achieving a realistic number of appointments every month first and foremost. High KPI’s relating to the number of conversations and calls do not necessarily correlate with more appointments.

5. Communicate the benefits and know your case studies.

Ultimately, you have to stop preparing and start calling your target prospects. Once connected there is only a limited time to grab your targets attention, communicate your message and arrange the meeting. Each call warrants communicating all the top business benefits that your product has, then back these up with case studies or references to clients you have worked with. It is possible to very quickly start building a compelling case for looking at your product with this technique. It clearly tells the prospect the value your product could bring, how it can solve their business pains, but also induces curiosity in the prospect. They will want to know how others companies have reduced cost, gained efficiencies and increased their sales.

6. Close for a meeting.

Conversations are great, but do not forget why the call was made in the first place, to make a meeting. Keep a clear vision of the objective and quickly look to close for a meeting. It’s very likely that you will be presented with an objection or two, but handle each objection and then close again. On average you will receive 2 or 3 objections before a prospect agrees to arrange a meeting, so do not give up at the first hurdle, keep going and keep closing. The average length of a call that results in a meeting is 2 minutes 40 seconds. Long conversations do not add any value to the objective of booking more sales meetings. Keep the calls focused and always think about how you are going to close for a meeting.

New Business Generator is an online lead generation service specializing in matching companies with marketing projects to potential supplier. Looking for a quote from 10 of the top telemarketing companies in the UK visit

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