Thursday, 10 June 2010

How to prepare for a telemarketing campaign

Preparing for a telemarketing campaign

The preparation for any marketing campaign is one of the most critical issues that will determine its ultimate success.

Accurate data means you can deliver your message to the right people in the right companies. However, data whether bought from a list broker or in your CRM database is not necessarily “fit for the purpose” of marketing. Our research has shown that marketing databases have a typical error rate of 60%, primarily due to:

• Prospect companies that do not meet your prospect qualification criteria
• Incorrect contact details (Phone number or address)
• Key decision making contacts having left the company
• Key decision making contacts not being present
• Key decision making contact details missing (Email address, job titles)

Here are some of the ways to prepare your data for a telemarketing campaign or any other marketing campaign..

Firstly, visualize who you want to win business from and then build a data set that will accurately represent the prospect companies that you wish to market your business too. Once achieved, visualize who in these companies you want the sales team to be meeting to increase chances of a sale. When you are visualizing this think about:

• Define a specification of the vertical(s) / type(s) of business you wish to target
• Define who you do not wish to do business with
• Create a list of all the companies similar too or competitors of your current and past clients
• Understand what characteristics you need a prospect company to have so that it is more likely than not to be a profitable client
• Understand the job title and, or responsibility, of people within a company that would make the buying decision for your product
• Which individuals have you proved to be the most effective to arrange a sales meeting in the past
• Understand the job title and, or responsibility of people that you do not want to arrange a sales meeting with, as they are unlikely to either make the ultimate decision or influence the sales process

How to cleanse data?

Once the data has been gathered - whether obtained from a third-party, list broker or from your own data - examine all of it, line by line. Discard all the companies that fail to meet the specification you visualized. Next start your data cleansing. Phone every company by phone up to 3 times to ensure the data is accurate and each individual has been correctly identified. All the time watching out for:

• Duplicate entries of the same company not picked up by software and make them into one record. Watch out for common data entry issues that create duplicates. You will often find Limited / ltd / LTD/ Ltd, Acronyms with or without spaces ABC ltd or A B C ltd, Acronyms and full names BBC and British Broadcasting Corporation, Companies that have changed name but entered under both the old and the new, Mergers and Acquisitions.
• Incorrect phone numbers and addresses
• Spelling errors of companies, people and titles
• Companies that are no longer trading or insolvent
• Old contacts that no longer work for the companies

While at the ask for the names of as many new contacts as possible and their contact details (direct line, email address, postal address.)

Finally, it’s time to get started on the campaign

Having finished the data cleansing you are ready to start the telemarketing campaign. However never forget that all the work that you complete in the preparation is only a starting point and accounts for approximately 80% of the total information you can gather. The remaining 20% can be found out every time you call a company. Confirming contacts are still with the company, finding missing contacts names, adding direct dials and email addresses are all essential maintenance of a data set that enables you to be as effective as possible when you call.

New Business Generator is an online lead generation service specialising in matching companies with marketing projects to potential supplier. To learn more visit

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